Friday 14 December 2012

Finally finished uni for the semester! Yeah! Go me!
Time to get down to business. I've currently only got 30 films so far, so still in need of some!
Time to hit the Blockbuster new releases list. Unless  y'all want to help me out....... ;)

Tuesday 11 December 2012

So it turns out that this has already been done before. Who'd have thunk it?
I must have been kidding myself to think I was the first. It's still happening though!

Once deadlines are out the way I'll update a little more.

I'm still looking for suggestions on what to watch. 365 is a big number. Hit me up here or @That1Twit

Carlos out.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Just over a month until I go on a journey through time and space.....



I mean until I start my decent into never wanting to watch another movie for as long as I live.

Yeah. That sounds about right.

C'mon folks! I need suggestions or it'll be 365 zombie and/or superhero films. Is there a zombie superhero film? Ghost Rider doesn't count. Not for this. Just in general. He can suck dinosaur dong for all I care.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

So I guess you want to know what this is all about, huh?
Well, starting January 1st, 2013, I will be watching and reviewing a different film every day.


Why not?

"That's a stupid idea."

So's running face-first into a brick wall, but that didn't stop me.
It might explain a few things though...

Anyway.  I like watching films.  Simple as.  I'm no critic or film buff.  I'll just be telling you what I think.  I do need your help though.  I don't want to be stuck watching 'my' films.  So if there are any films out there you think are worth a watch, let me know no matter how bad they are.  And yes, I watched Birdemic: Shock and Terror.


Monday 12 November 2012

1 man, 1 year, 365 films

You know what the internet needs?


Another blog about films.

"But hasn't that been done a million times before?"

Yeah, but did it have EXPLOSIONS?????

(note: explosions will not occur during the reading of this blog)


That's what I thought.