Monday 7 January 2013

January 7th - Men in Black 3 (PG)

This is only going to be a short review as I'm REALY tired. Staying up all night in an attempt to get my sleep pattern back to normal may not have been the best idea, but uni's back on tomorrow and I can't do with waking up an 5 hours after I was supposed to get there.
Anywho. The film. I loved the first two thirds of the trilogy and the cartoon wasn't too bad either. The final instalment did not disappoint. The guys and gals in nightly attire are back, once again defending the planet from an alien threat. This time it's a one-armed Boglodite (Jemaine Clements of Flight of the Conchords fame) who breaks out of a special prison on the moon with the help of Nicole Sherzinger to take revenge on Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones). J (Will Smith) Travels back in time to save his partner, while also making an important discovery about his own past.
As with the previous renditions, there are a number of famous celebs listed as being aliens or working for the MIB which add to the surreal entertainment of the film, solidifying it as comedy fiction. With a few new faces, but not enough of the coffee aliens, stellar performances all around, even if Jones' face did look like it had started to melt. Maybe Will Smith should give him some of whatever he's having.

A great end to a great set of films. - 4 pocket watches out of 5

Trailer --- IMDB