Thursday 10 January 2013

January 10th - Resident Evil Retribution (15)

Picking up where the last movie left off, and I mean RIGHT where it left off, we begin the final (?) encounter with Alice (Milla Jovovich) in the not-much-to-do-with-the-games-except-for-the-name film about shooting zombie monsters in the face. I've always been a fan of the Resident Evil films, even if they did get 6/10 across the board, and this one is no different. As with most of the previous films, we get introduced to a new team who assist Alice, along with one or two characters from a previous film. This time, we get to see people from all four of the prequels in the same place, but I'll get to that in a bit.
The story follows what we all know, the deadly T-Virus has infected and spread, and Alice is needed to clean it up. However, on this occasion, it's everyones favourite guy-in-a-trenchcoat-who-isn't-Neo, Albert Wesker who is asking for help.
After waking up imprisoned in the Prime Umbrella testing facility, Alice escapes with the help of Wesker and Ada Wong, and the information that the human race is in danger of being wiped out if she doesn't do something about it. She is directed to meet up with a rescue squad of Leon Kennedy, Barry Burton, 2 guys who die too early for me to remember their names and..... wait for it..... Luther West, the dude who survived Afterlife. Who said the black guy always dies first! Along the way we meet old friends Rain and One from the first film, and Carlos from Apocalypse leaving only Ashley and Rebecca needed to catch them all! (I know there are plenty more characters in the RE universe, but I really wanted to make a Pokémon joke, ok?) With the corrupted Jill Valentine hot on their heels and timed explosives set to flood the underwater complex, Alice and co. have to get out, and fast. When they eventually escape after drowning nearly every living and unliving body, we are treated to the most exhilarating fight scene in the quintilogy, if that is even a thing. Alice squares off with Jill, while Rain does what she does best, kicks some ass. After the battle is over, our heroes make their way to the Whitehouse to meet with 'President' Wesker, who shows them the true damage of the T-Virus.....
While not my favourite of the five, Retribution was still fun/exciting/enjoyable to watch. It has all the things that RE film fans want to see: Michelle Rodriguez doing her thang, Milla Jovovich wearing nothing but a sheet of paper and um... er... some other stuff? Probably explosions, zombies, huge gun battles and car chases or something. While the acting was kind of rigid in places and some of the lines seemed forced, I still really enjoyed myself and would happily buy this on DVD if times were not changing to a more digital and less physical entertainment industry. Even with trying to cram as many characters from the games as possible into 90 minutes, I'd be happy to have this in my collection.
After reading the reviews from IMDB, who mostly gave it 1-3/10, I'm sad to say I'm inclined to agree with them. There were plenty of things that were unrealistic, unneeded or corny, but to me, that is what makes the film. If it were true to life, it would be utter poop. Not to mention that entire premise of the franchise is something that doesn’t even exist. Sure there were parts that weren't top notch, but I don't care. As long as I'm immersed in the film, it's all gravy.

One to watch only if you're a fan of the first four. - Two umbrellas out of 5

Trailer 1 --- Trailer 2 --- IMDB