Saturday 5 January 2013

January 5th - Electrick Children (15)

I found this on a list of “Best 2012 movies, you've never seen” while floating around the interwebs and it was no lie. Not a Hollywood blockbuster in any shape or form, but a great watch nonetheless.
The story follows Rachel, a 15 year old Mormon who gets pregnant from listening to music. Yep. You heard me. She got pregnant. From music. She leaves the community to find the singer whom she believes is the father and a wacky adventure ensues. Think Scooby Doo. You know, preppy boy, hot girl, nerd, stoner, talking dog. Except without any of those. Well, maybe the stoner.
With a cast of Billy Zane and a dozen other people I've never heard of, Julia Garner (Rachel) is the stand-out star. She played the role with a childish sense of wonderment and drew me right in, believing she was actually a Mormon in upbringing and had never been introduced to certain things or experiences. It's hard to act as if you have zero knowledge of a cassette player, but for me, it was totally real.
FYI, there's always a but with me.
The scene after she is introduced to the tape deck, she immediately knows how to use it. Maybe I missed something, but that seems a little off.
But I digress. With such a small cast, writer and director Rebecca Thomas has done an amazing job of making the film seem busier than it actually was. The background/surrounding area is ever changing, giving a sense of volume and movement to an otherwise open set. While I don't usually watch dramas, this was definitely worthwhile as it didn't really focus on the boring day-to-day activities that some films highlight too much, but the journey and growth of the main character. Throughout the movie, we see her progression and change in attitude to life, ranging from naive 'prairie girl' to a young woman who has begun to take charge of the road ahead.
Oh yeah. Macaulay Culkin’s kid brother is in it. Not Kieran. Rory. Bet you didn't know there was another one.

A fine film to watch on a Sunday afternoon. - 3 blue cassettes out of 5

Trailer --- IMDB