Saturday 12 January 2013

January 11th - Pitch Perfect (12A)


Me - “Isn't this just Glee the musical?”*
Not me - “Please. Don't insult it.”

I wasn't expecting much going in to this. It sounded as though it was going to be another generic teem musical, but I can safely say I was wrong. Yeah, it follows the usual 'team starts to disband, starts to lose their competitions, but then all kiss and make up and go on to win the (insert sport/activity here) in an awesome fashion and everyone is happy' storyline, but there's still plenty going on. The story focusses on Beca (Anna Kendrick), an aspiring DJ who is a freshman college (Uni for all of us here in the UK). She has no interest in joining any clubs until she is heard singing in the shower by Chloe, a member of the all-girl a capella group, The Bellas. She reluctantly joins, but falls in love with Jesse, a member from their all-male rival group. We see The Bellas get knocked out of the a cappella championship as Aubrey, their controlling lead who is a sucker for tradition, refuses to change up the song set that they use every year but seems to be failing. Beca throws in a little freestyle mid-routine, much to the dismay of Aubrey and the group. SUPER TWIST NO JUTSU! The team that knocked them out is found to have a non-college member, so The Bellas are invited back! Aubrey calls everyone except Beca, who still turns up because Chloe calls her, they all have a big fight, a lot of vomiting happens and Beca becomes their new leader. She shows her mixing and they use that to shake up the finals and eventually win. Never saw that coming...

Sounds like your bog-standard teem flick, right? Well, throw Fat Amy (Rebel Wilson) in the mix and you get something much, much different. Not quite stealing the show, so to speak, but standing out as a major player, Wilson made the film for me. She is obviously the comic relief, and plays it very well. She doesn't follow the norm for a character in a film like this, and makes chuckle-worthy comments and quips throughout, breaking up the tension and drama. Although there is an element of student life and Beca's relationships during the film, the main focus is most definitely the musical numbers. The energy put into the performances is momentous and you can tell that the guys and girls have all either had previous dance training, or have put a lot of work in for this title.
I wasn't disappointed at anything, but at the same time, I wasn't blown away. The acting was solid, the story and characters interesting, and the performances enjoyable. The final 'battle' between The Bellas and the Treblemakers was the climax of the film and most definitely worth the wait, with great renditions of popular songs.

Not a guy film, but still a fun watch. - Three and a half pitch pipes out of five

Trailer --- IMDB
*Only after saying it, I realised that 'Glee the musical' is as redundant as saying ATM machine. Fail.