Wednesday 16 January 2013

January 16th - Brick (15)

Um... What did I just watch?
It's kind of hard to review something that I didn't understand, but I'll give it a go. Brendan (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) finds the dead body of his girlfriend at the entrance to a sewage tunnel and goes on the hunt to find out what happened to her. Something happens and he gets involved in a drug ring.
Oh. And it's all set at a high school with students.
For most of the film I was trying to figure out if he was a student or a detective, and if it takes me that long to understand what the main character’s deal is, maybe I shouldn't be watching. Even though I was having trouble following, I couldn't stop, no matter how much I wanted to. Maybe it was the brass-jazz playing, or the old-school detective show voices, but whatever it was, it drew me in. Even after reading the plot synopsis and an FAQ on the film, I'm still a little stumped.
Do not be disheartened though. JGL was fantastic, and the music was extremely enthralling, so give it a go if you like crime/drama/mysteries.

I'm not entirely sure what to make of this one. - 1 brick out of five because I had zero clue what was going on.

Trailer --- IMDB