Tuesday 8 January 2013

January 8th - Turn Me On Dammit (15? cert. unknown)

'Turn me on' is the story of Alma (Helen Bergsholm), a 15 year old living in Skoddeheimen, Norway. In a twist from the norm, we see the life of a sexually frustrated girl struggling to live her life, rather than watching from a male perspective. The film is broken up by her fantasies that range from Artur, the boy she believes she is in love with, to practically anyone who happens to be near her. From the offset, we see Alma on the phone to a sex line, with her hand in her underwear doing, well, I'm sure you can guess what [family blog blah blah blah], and realise that we are on for a full on film with no holds barred. While at a party, Artur pokes Alma with his old fella, but later denies it, making Alma look the fool and ostracising her from everyone at school.
As I don't watch a lot of Norwegian cinema, I'm not sure if using unprofessional actors is big, but it certainly worked this time. Doing this gave the whole film an aura of originality, no, REALITY that wouldn't have been able to be accomplished using big names that we are used to seeing. In her first acting credit (according to IMDB), Bergsholm seems perfect. She isn't known and isn't 'Hollywood beautiful' which allows her to claim the role as her own, without the pressure of previous characters and ideals being forced upon her. She, along with about a dozen other main characters do a great job of making the boredom of Skoddeheimen seem real, even though (from what I can find) it is a fictional place. The credit must also go to the director, Jannicke Systad Jacobsen, for using such a bleak backdrop, from the desolate, yet frequently used bus stop to the youth centre, whose outer seating area is reminiscent of something you'd find under a bridge.

I'm not quite sure how to describe this film as it's not something I'm familiar with, but I what I can tell it is that it is a solid watch. - 3 tubes of lip gloss out of 5

Trailer --- IMDB