Friday 18 January 2013

January 18th - Behemoth

Behemoth - “any creature or thing of monstrous size or power”

The thing IN the film, sure. The film itself, perhaps not.

Behemoth is a TV film that premiered on SyFy in 2011. The same year and channel that bought us, well, not much. I guess 2011 wasn't their year for premieres. Generally speaking, I'm a big fan of what SyFy airs, but this wasn't their best effort.
Behemoth is all about an ancient creature that was laying dormant under the Earth's surface but for an unknown reason woke up and decided to cause panic in a small town at the foot of a dormant volcano by creating earthquakes, tremors and the like.
Throughout the film, we are granted with a simple storyline (the volcano looks like it's about to blow! UT OH!), some glaringly bad special effects, a few instances of overacting, and plenty of exaggerated screams. Personally, I think this would have been better suited to a series (or even mini-series), as there was plenty to expand on – the CO2 clouds, the submerged diner, the Smoking Man's theories --- Yes, the Smoking Man from the X-Files is in this ---, some kind of explanation about the weapon. I get that there was supposed to be a sense of urgency, but what I was watching was far too laid back for something that could destroy the world at any given moment. I wasn't drawn in to the story, couldn’t' relate or form a bond with any of the characters, and found I could concentrate while doing other things. To me, these are the things you need to get right for a successful film. There was a good idea behind the scenes, but the execution was lackluster. Aside from the aforementioned screaming, the acting wasn't that bad, and I expect Ed Quinn to go on to bigger and brighter things.

Something to have on in the background while... I don't know... doing the ironing or something. 2 volcanoes out of 5

Trailer --- IMDB