Tuesday 22 January 2013

January 22nd - Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny

If you haven't seen this yet, go and watch it now. Go on. I'll wait.
Back? Good. So how was it? Did it blow your headbrain? YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT IT DID!

Ok. So I might be a little biased to this film. Everyone has their opinions. It just so happens that yours is wrong and mine is right. TDiTPoD (such a terrible acronym) isn't so much a film as a journey. A journey that everyone should make. It's like a pilgrimage.

The Pick of Destiny is a pilgrimage.

We follow JB (Jack Black) on his journey to become a rock legend, where he meets KG (Kyle Gass) and they form Tenacious D. When they hear of a mythical guitar pick, they travel to a rock museum to try and find it. But you know the story, don't you? Of course you know it. I'm not sure whether to class this as a musical, or if it is just something else entirely. There are numerous numbers throughout the film, courtesy of Tenacious D, so I guess it's kind of like a 90 minute music video. And a damn good one at that.
With JB and KG playing themselves, it makes it a whole lot easier to understand the characters, even if it is set in a fictional setting. They don't 'act' per se, but just..... happen. That's the best way I can describe it. They just are. The humour of the film comes mainly from the songs, something Tenacious D are famous for, with a few others things thrown in for balance. There is a story, but if you're a fan of The D, like myself, you'll be sitting there waiting for the music to start again as soon as it finishes.
The film flows very well, better than some box-office big names. There aren't really any moments when you are left confused, wondering what just happened or why, and it keeps pace throughout, making it easy to follow. The only 'break' is from the character played by Ben Stiller. Now, I love me some Stiller, but I don't think he was suited for this role. He has a very unique way of playing his characters, a way that you know it's him, even if he is covered in makeup or prosthetics, and I think that it wasn't in key with the rest of the film. Maybe he was too intense, and the 'guitar guy' needed to be slowed down a little, I don't know, but he didn't fit. Think of it as pushing a square peg into a round hole. It might go through, but it isn't the right piece to be perfect. Other than that, the film as a whole felt like custard. I know that might sound weird, but hear me out. It's not as smooth and flowy as water, but it's still smooth, just with a few bumps. Ok. That made more sense in my head.

Basically, this film is great and you should watch it. If for nothing other than Dave Grohl dressed as the Devil. Yeah. He's the Devil. - 4 picks out of 5

Trailer --- IMDB