Thursday 3 January 2013

January 3rd - Ted

After being refused entry to this 15 at the cinema because one of the people I went with, and I quote, “is clearly is older than 18, but has no ID.”, I convinced myself it was a good thing. I got so many reviews from people either saying it was the best thing EVAR or a pile of steaming doodoo (this is a family blog!), I consoled myself in the fact that I had just saved a tenner. Boy was I wrong. This was one of the best films I've seen this year. And by this year I mean 2012.
Ted stars Mark Wahlberg as John, who as a child, made a wish that his teddy bear was real. Ted (Seth MacFarlane) DID come to life and they've been 'Thunder Buddies' ever since, much to the dismay of John's girlfriend Lori (Mila Kunis).
I've been told that Ted was just an extended episode of Family Guy, another of MacFarlane's creations and I can see why. The humor is spot on, and half the cast show their faces. Except for MacFarlane. He's bear-ly ever on screen.
Wahlberg pulls of his role excellently, even if he does have a dodgy accent at times. Working with a character who isn't always there in filming is a hard thing to accomplish. Making sure that the actors are looking in the right direction, aware of the space that character would occupy and act naturally are things that needed to be considered, and Marky Mark makes it work. Mila Kunis is stunning as always and has great on-screen chemistry with Wahlberg, but it was Macfarlane who stole the show for me. There are so manny quips and one liners throughout the film that kept me giggling like a schoolgirl. Giovanni Ribisi appears as the creepy guy who kidnaps Ted, a role that reminded me of Steve Buscemi's Garland Greene frm Con Air. I'm glad that Ribisi was cast as I think he is a stellar actor who needs to be cast more often. Add in Norah Jones, Tom Skerritt and Sam Jones playing themselves and you have yourselves a very talented cast.
The one thing that did bug me since the out, was that when Ted went public, why didn't the Government take him away and run all sorts of tests on him? If a talking teddy bear was found today, it would be gone within hours. Also, being set 27ish years after Ted came into the spotlight, had his 15 minutes of fame, and disappeared, wouldn't people either forget about him, or not know about him at all? It seemed weird that the scene when Ted and John are walking through the Park, nobody seems phased in the slightest.

I'd like to say to all the people who talked smack about this film, “Boo, you whore.” and thank everyone who recommended it to me. A fine flick to chill out with friends or watch with that special someone. - 4 Teds out of 5