Monday 14 January 2013

January 14th - Hostel: Part 2 (18)


If anyone has seen Cruel intentions and it's sequel (which is actually it's prequel), you'll be seeing quite a few similarities here. Hostel 2 is basically the same as it's predecessor in a different place and with different characters.
Three college girls (Ugh. College kids again) are on a trip to prague when they hear about the beautiful relaxing spas of Slovakia. They decide to go and end up on the wrong end of the Elite Hunting Club. Not much can be said about this film that I haven't already said about its prequel, except that it isn't executed as well.
What is new however, is that we get to see the other side of the shady goings-on. Hostel 2 shows us how the 'doctors' are called in. Stuart and Todd are two brothers who bid on the girls and win Beth and Whitney, respectively. As first time clients, they are branded with the bloodhound tattoo as part of the contract and called in when the girls arrive. Todd sticks a circular saw in Whitney's head, but that doesn't quite kill her. He realises what he has done and decides he's 'out'. Unfortunately for him, the the part of the contract he didn't read is 'kill or be killed'. Stuart on the other hand, tried to to rape Beth before he does the deed, but she breaks loose and ties him up, threatening to cut off his 'old mister' unless the EHC let her go. She tries to buy her way out, but the club's boss lady tells her about the clause Todd breached. So Beth snips Stuart's kerjigger and feeds it to the dogs, letting him bleed to death. This initiates Beth as a member of the EHC, granting her a tattoo and she is set free. The bubblegum boys are back too, although with a smaller role, and are shown to be quite accustomed to death. In the first movie, we see then cave in a man's skull with a rock. In this instalment, they do not even flinch when one of their own is shot and seem far to happy playing football with a freshly severed head.
Another torture-porn flick with less torture then the first, and probably less porn too. I guess if you're on a horror marathon it would make sense to watch this straight after the first, especially as the fate of Paxton from Hostel 1 is revealed in the opening scene, but other than that, once again, meh.

Only really worth the watch if you're a completist and like sequels. - 3 wieners out of five

Trailer --- IMDB

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