Tuesday 1 January 2013

And we're live!

As the new year dawns, I rise to the challenge.

So yeah. Welcome to the beginning of what could as easily turn out to be something magical or a steaming pile. I'm hoping for the former.

I guess a more formal introduction to what's happening should, well, happen.
Throughout the year, I will be watching a film every day and giving a small review of personal opinion. As I've said before, I'm no blogger, film critic or buff, just an avid watcher with a want to escape for a few hours a day.
With an aim to watch varying genres, and not just the same thing over and over again, I'll be needing your help. I want you guys to be my cinema, my library. I want you to suggest what I should watch, whether it be a film, series of films, something of a particular era or with a certain actor/actress. I will watch near enough anything, even if Rotten Tomatoes gives it 21%. Yes, I'm looking at you Birdemic: Shock and Terror.

I was going to be corny and start off with New Year's Eve, a film released before Christmas 2011. Because that's when people celebrate the coming of the new year. The beginning of December.....

Then I thought to myself, No. I enjoy being cheesy as much as the next... cheesemeister (?), but just no. So I settled on something more current and ultimately more enjoyable. In hindsight, I should have left it until later in the year so as not to provide spoilers for those who have yet to see it, but hey. Whatcha gonna do?
I could quite easily watch another movie and save the review I've written until later down the line, but I'm gonna stick to my guns and just go with it. That's how I roll!
So without further adieu, I give you... ThreeSixtyFiveFilms!

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