Tuesday 1 January 2013

January 1st – The Watch

Being advertised as one of the biggest films of 2012, I felt slightly let down after Watch-ing (that joke isn't going to get old fast...). Without trying to give too much away, I found myself watching 102 minutes of things I'd seen many times before, with most of the main cast playing characters they can't seem to escape. Ben Stiller stars as the stubborn, strung-up lead with personal issues, a role he seems to play in nearly every movie he stars in. Vince Vaughn is once again the loudmouth man-child complete with basement mancave. The slightly obscure casting of Richard Ayoade, running his predictable, yet still funny semi-simpleton is what made the movie in my eyes. Although sticking a British TV actor into a Hollywood blockbuster may seem a little weird, he managed to make it work.
There's not too much I can say without spoilers, and as the film is still recent enough for people not to have seen it, I'll hold off for now, but might end up re-watching it towards the end of the year to do a proper review. After calling the film clichéd and predictable, I still highly recommend it for those of you who like a laugh as there are some sleeper lines that keep it flowing and enjoyable the whole way through, assuming you can get past Vaughn's incessant need to call his fellow castmembers by a different nickname every time he opens his mouth.

All in all, I still think it's a worthwhile flick that you can watch more than once even knowing the whole plot. - 3.5 Costco memberships out of 5

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